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About Me

Ana Baltazar

Hello everyone!

Be welcome!

This is my introdution video, where I talk a little about who I am, how I got here and why I am here!

My name is Ana Luisa Baltazar, I am Portuguese and I live in Lisbon.

My personal and professional history is already long, so I will highlight the aspects that I consider being the most importante ones.

I’m 59 years old and I’m the mother of 3 boys who are my greatest pride.

My first course was Tourism, I worked 6 years as a tourism technician and guide-interpreter and then I had a long journey as a teacher and trainer. At the age of 48, with my children already grown, I decided to dedicate myself to small children again and I did a Master’s in Childhood Education. Unfortunately, 3 herniated discs appeared and due to that I had to give up the profession because working with young children is very physically demanding. So I decided to dedicate the rest of my professional life to what makes me really happy.

Of my personal characteristics I highlight resilience, empathy, humility and respect for others. I am super positive and when a problem arises my first reaction is to think: how am I going to overcome this?

I am passionate about knowledge, I believe in lifelong learning, I am curious by nature and I love … people!

So, once again be very welcome and feel at ease in your “home”!